Course curriculum

    1. 1. Objectives of land use

    2. 2. Purpose and Function of land use

    3. Write the type of land use next to each item:

    4. 3. Change in our land use

    5. 4. Land use in Mauritius

    6. 5. Topic 2 - Objectives of Agricultural land use

    7. 6. Types of agriculture practice

    8. 7. Sugarcane

    9. 8. Different factors influencing agriculture

    10. 9. A brief story of sugar industry in Mauritius

    11. 10. Agro-industries have diversified their activities

    12. 11. Market Gardening in Mauritius

    13. 12. Sustainable agriculture

    14. 13. Agriculture in Rodrigues

    15. 14. Promotion of sustainable agriculture in Mauritius and Rodrigues

    16. 15. Topic 3 - Objectives of land use for Tourism purposes

    17. 16. Tourism purposes in Mauritius

    18. 17. Tourism purposes in Rodrigues

    19. 18. Place of interest for ecotourism and heritage tourism

    20. 19. How do tourists come to Mauritius and Rodrigues

    21. 20. Topic 4 - Land use and environmental concerns pollution, loss of natural habitat

    22. 21. Different purposes of land

    23. 22. Air pollution - Sources, Effects, Caused by and Prevention

    24. 23. Water pollution - Sources, Effects, Caused by and Prevention

    25. 24. Land pollution - Sources, Effects, Caused by and Prevention

    26. 25. Reduce pollution

    27. 26. The 3R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

    28. 27. Renewable sources

    29. Assignments

    30. Course in PDF

About this course

  • 30 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Weekly live session
  • Progress reports, Tracking, Control and Accountability