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Course curriculum
1. Discovering our cultural heritage
2. WH questions
3. WH questions word
4. Passage Part 1
5. Passage Part 2
6. Vocabulary riddle
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
1. Story writing
2. Story writing - Structure Part 1
3. Story writing - Structure Part 2
4. Story writing - Example Part 1
5. Story writing - Example Part 2 (the end)
1. The compounds of no
2. Exercise on compounds of no
3. Compounds of any
4. Exercise on compounds of any
5. Compounds of no and any
6. Compounds of every
7. Exercise on compounds of every
8. Recap on use of indefinite pronouns part A
9. Recap on use of indefinite pronouns part B
10. Recap on use of indefinite pronouns part C
11. Fill in the blanks with something or anything
12. Fill in the blanks with somewhere or anywhere
13. Choose the correct indefinite pronouns part A
14. Choose the correct indefinite pronouns part B
15. Choose the correct indefinite pronouns part C
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1. Verbs - present tense part A
2. Present tense part B
3. Present tense part C
4. Present tense verb+s
5. Present tense verb+es
6. Present tense verb end in Y
7. Present tense verb ends in Y with a vowel
8. Past Tense
9. Formation of verb in the past tense
10. Past tense for verbs ending in Y
11. Past tense verb ends in CVC
12. Irregular verbs
13. Future tense
14. Formation of verbs in the Future Tense
15. Future tense - example
16. Present perfect tense
17. Time markers for present perfect tense
18. Regular verbs
19. Last consonant is WXY
20. Irregular verbs part A
21. Irregular verbs part B
22. Irregular verbs part C
23. Structure of sentence in present perfect tense
24. Conjugate verbs in present perfect tense part A
25. Conjugate verbs in present perfect tense part B
26. Write the following verbs in present perfect tense
27. Present continuous tense
28. Time markers for present continuous tense
29. Structure of present continuous tense
30. Forming the present participle of verbs
31. Verbs ending in silent e
32. Verbs ending in ee
33. Verbs ending in CVC
34. Verbs ending in CV WXY
35. Verbs ending in two vowels and in IE
36. Verbs ending in C
37. Practice present participle part A
38. Practice present participle part B
39. Write the correct form of verbs
40. Write the correct sentence in present continuous tense
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
1. Phrasal verbs Part 1
2 .Phrasal verbs Part 2
3 .Phrasal verbs Part 3
4. Phrasal verb to look 1
5. Phrasal verbs to look 2
6. Phrasal verb to put
7. Phrasal verb to give
8. Phrasal verb to get 1
9. Phrasal verb to get 2
10. Phrasal verb to turn 1
11. Phrasal verb turn 2
12. Phrasal verb to go
13 .Phrasal verbs exercise
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
About this course
- 220 lessons